
We focus on change processes in private and public organisations. Mentor2management is based on a coupling between the business perspective, management experience and coaching. The target is to increase results, improve cooperation and promote personal development in a cohesive strategy (aligned strategy concept).

Mentor2management specialises in mentoring but we also offer traditional consulting, management and human resource development, as well as recruitment services. Management development is offered both to individuals and smaller groups.

A value building fellowship®

Results-oriented mentoring expands action and management opportunities, social competencies and negotiation skills.

Clients are helped to reach their own targets and results as well as those of the team and organisation, and at the same time clients will experience greater job satisfaction.

One effort - one contract

Mentoring is offered as either an independent activity or as a part of an overall consultancy package or recruitment service. The final shape of our service is established dialogue with the individual client. Mentoring is an extremely profitable investment. Personal and professional skills potentials are realised for the benefit of the individual, the team and the organisation. Growth and employee satisfaction in a single project.