Mentor2communication has implemented for several companies a program focusing on impact through training in several situations:
Internal roles, including as a regular meeting participant and at independent presentations.
External roles, including the establishment of external relations / networking, discussions / negotiations at meetings.
The program’s purpose is to conceptualise and practice personal impact and network competencies.
The program is conducted as mentoring continuously linked with practical exercises such as role play / plays - including voice and body, IT in networking, presentation exercises, telephone exercises (speech, video and text), etc.
There is a continuous instructor, in addition to actors and communication advisor.
Normally, the program is implemented as 10 sessions a two hours, 2 times 1/2 day training as well as communication exercises using mails, phone and Skype.
The further implementation is agreed with the course participant / s.
Udgangspunktet for outplacement er at etablere et nyt ansættelsesforhold i en anden virksomhed. Vi har dog ved flere lejligheder formået at vende processen: Dvs. at skabe en ny ansættelsessituation i eksisterende virksomhed.
Forløbet vil under alle omstændigheder blive aftalt med den enkelte. Typisk vil det gå gennem en analysefase af den en-her er der faldet en del ud -
Forløbet vil under alle omstændigheder blive aftalt med den enkelte. Typisk vil det gå gennem en analysefase af den enkeltes faglige og personlige egenskaber og ønsker, en afklaringsfase af karriereplan og endelig konkret udførelsesfase dvs. cv, LinkedIn, generel ansøgning og søgning af konkrete stillinger.
Mentor2communication arbejder gennem teoretisk og praktisk undervisning, interview m.v. Hjælpen gives som sparring, coaching og anbefalinger/mentoring. Konsulentens rolle aftales individuel og vi bestræber os på branchekendskab.
Here we work with in-sourcing of employees as well as the internal consequences of, for example, structure and role changes for employees already. The courses are individually agreed with the company. Emphasis is placed on transparency and value creation: a value building fellowship®®.